While Cunnilingus is not as risky as vaginal or anal sex, there is always the risk of STDs. Cunnilingus is a sexual activity of going down on a woman. This involves risk to both the partners engaged in the activity. Most enjoy giving and in return receiving cunnilingus. Cunnilingus is a low risk act but it might lead to various sexually transmitted diseases. Fortunately for the cunnilingus lovers there are ways to make the act of going down on a woman safe. Although the protection might reduce the enjoyment and cause an interruption when performing oral sex on man or woman it is worth as it gives mental peace.
When a couple wants to get involved and get pleasure in cunnilingus, permission is a must. Those who are lucky enough get the green signal in one go. If permission is granted, then the most difficult part is over. It is after the permission that you need to become careful and perform the intimate pleasurable task in the right manner. This is how you have safe cunnilingus. Make use of a dental dam to cover the vulva of your partner. If you would also love to stimulate her with your finger, make use of a latex glove or finger cot.
Many men take the dental dam in their mouth and keep on moving it from one place to another, as this gives a stimulus of rubbing, which most women enjoy. Many may even use lubricants in the dental dam to make the moving around of the dental dam easier to stimulate the partner. Even when enjoying cunnilingus with an interruption you make it very exciting by experimenting with various protective measures. With the interesting techniques you can enjoy your partners body and make love in the most relax way. These are some tips, which you should follow to prevent yourself and your lover from different STDs.
However, some might already have some kind of STD. But that does not mean that they cannot enjoy the act of going down on their partner. They too can enjoy cunnilingus with sufficient amount of care and protection. Use the dental dam and the latex glove if you love fingering your women. After the act is over be careful to dispose the glove and the dental dam in the dustbin. You must also clean your fingers and mouth thoroughly. Female condoms and also reduce the risk of STDs. If the man has any kind of dental problem like bleeding gums or even sore in the mouth tongue or gum area cunnilingus is a big no for those people. Having any kind of oral herpes might be extremely dangerous for the women. It is highly contiguous and can affect the skin of genital of the women. In fact the HSV1 is more dangerous than the HSV2.
Though cunnilingus is a low risk act and might not have effects or infections, which the vaginal or the anal sex might lead to, but it not completely risk free. Protection is must in order to prevent both the partners from any kind of risk.