Let’s face it, a huge number of men masturbate after getting married. There can be a variety of reasons why a man feels the need to masturbate even when he is in a committed sexual relationship. When a woman finds out that her husband is masturbating, she may not feel as betrayed as she would have been if he was having an affair on the sly.
However, she naturally feels worried about her sexual quotient with her man. She is worried is she is not sufficient for quenching the sexual thirst of her man. Also there lurks the anxiety what if her man starts an extra-marital affair in the future. Well, these concerns are natural but understanding the role of masturbation in a man’s life will do away with most of them.
So why do men masturbate after marriage?
Generally men masturbate to porns. We all know how popular porns are and a majority of men cannot stop watching porns despite their changed relationship status. Men love to fantasize. The male brain craves sex almost unceasingly during the prime years of 20s and 30s. Later on the sexual urge start declining slowly yet still the desire for intercourse do not leave his mind. Masturbation is the easiest way of deriving satisfaction independently without any anxiety or buttering.
There are many phases in a relationship for example the times when the female partner goes through her periods or pregnancy. During such phases the man does not get any sex from his partner and has to rely on masturbation. So, ladies cut your men some slack if they masturbate when you are physically unavailable. Some men watch porn and masturbate even when they get sex from their female partner quite number of times a week. This is a habit which your husband has become used to and cannot get out of easily. If you give him your mental and physical support then he is likely to abandon this habit.
Is it normal to masturbate after marriage?
Masturbation is not a moral crime. It can be also termed as self-pleasuring. Pleasuring yourself can never be a wrong thing to do. No matter whether you are married or unmarried, male or female self pleasuring is your right. In fact masturbation is good for your conjugal sex life. Some men use masturbation as a mode of relieving stress. Masturbation creates anticipation for real sex and intensifies the intercourse. Take it easy ladies, masturbation is not cheating. It rather keeps one from cheating.
Masturbation after marriage is not a big deal. However, porn addiction can have a bad impact on your conjugal life. Give your man your complete support and make it possible for him to communicate with you without fearing your judgment.